Carrie Andrews

Carrie has a degree in English & Communications and has done everything from work for the Department of Ecology producing public information materials to being the Communications Director at the Northwest Maritime Center. In between there she owned a web development company for fifteen years and then was the Assistant Head of School at a small alternative private school. Through a number of circumstances, for the past several years she has found herself drawn to end-of-life issues, and is now establishing a business helping people prepare for the end of their lives. Carrie is convinced that people of all ages can live better by being willing to think about dying; being prepared for “what if”—fiscally, legally, and emotionally—and really talking to your friends and family about what you want the end of your life to look like can free you to enjoy life more fully now!

Paperwork for Peace of Mind

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night and think about those hard things that you know you should get around to but haven’t quite made time for? You know, reevaluating your homeowners’ policy? Cleaning out the tool shelf in the basement? Having end-of-life paperwork in place? I can’t help you with Paperwork for Peace of Mind

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Why I Talk About Dying

I’m pretty sure I’m going to stop being invited to social functions soon. People ask what I’m working on these days and inevitably the conversation turns to dying. The thing is, I’m really convinced that our Western end-of-life experience could be better, and I feel passionate about the fact that being able to talk about Why I Talk About Dying

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