Eric Palenik

How Do I Activate My Inner Core?
In my daily practice as a Physical Therapist, I spend considerable time teaching patients “inner core exercises”. In this article, I hope to share this concept with you. If you haven’t read my two prior core articles, it may be helpful to review them before reading this entry. They cover key concepts including the components … How Do I Activate My Inner Core?
more »Core Part II
Low back pain is an epidemic in our modern day society. In 1 year, 36% of our population will suffer an episode of back pain. Low back pain is the most common reason for general activity limitations and work absences in most of the world. The economic effects of low back pain are immense. And … Core Part II
more »What is My Core Anyway?
As a Physical Therapist, it’s great to hear how many of my patients refer to working on their “core”. My next question is usually, “what specifically do you do for your core “. The usual response is,”well, I do planks, sit ups, and that back extension machine.” Don’t get me wrong, I am so glad … What is My Core Anyway?
more »Balancing Balance
Balance can be defined as mental stability or emotional stability. In the field of physical therapy balance is defined as a state of bodily equilibrium where the body’s center of gravity is within the base of support. Many complex systems must function correctly and interact precisely to remain upright. If any portion of this matrix … Balancing Balance
more »Aging Wisely from a Physical Therapist’s Perspective
Motivation. Defined by Webster as providing us with a reason to act in a certain way; inducement or incentive. What motivates us in life is a fascinating concept. Why do some feel so committed to action while others do not? Or further, why at one point in our lives, with the same life choices, are … Aging Wisely from a Physical Therapist’s Perspective
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