
The Unexpected

I wasn’t feeling well. Something was off. I noticed my distance vision was blurring, and my last exam was just five months ago. I was waking up all night to pee. And I had the strangest craving for grapefruit and grapefruit juice. I Googled the symptoms and found nothing for the last one – but was alarmed at what I......... more »

So What Is There to Be Grateful For?

Yes we have all heard how helpful it is for us to be grateful for what we have. Well I disagree. I disagree because the statement is SO understated. In fact it is just completely STUPID for us not to be experiencing gratitude on a daily basis! Granted this is coming from a guy who often takes things from granted. I ......... more »

Visiting the ill–101

It is 4:53 p.m. and you are in the bathroom with your head in the toilet. After eating that wonderful lunch at the Japanese restaurant you think you may have food poisoning. This is the third time you have wrenched your guts out in the past fifteen minutes. Life is horrible right now. At this moment you don’t care ab......... more »

Core Part II

Low back pain is an epidemic in our modern day society. In 1 year, 36% of our population will suffer an episode of back pain.   Low back pain is the most common reason for general activity limitations and work absences in most of the world. The economic effects of low back pain are immense. And unfortunately, low bac......... more »

Happiness and Heart Attacks

I turn 43 this year, and have caught myself studying the lines on my face in the mirror more than I'd like to admit. It seems that time in front of the mirror is part of the aging process as we watch for the inevitable changes to our skin, hair, and body. Years ago when I worked as a caregiver, I remember vividly th......... more »

Tom Morgan

Tom Morgan is widely regarded as one of the reigning experts in the design and construction of fly fishing rods. He grew up in Montana where he became addicted to fly fishing as a young boy. He began guiding as a teenager and, from the start, took great interest in the casting styles and equipment of his clients. In th......... more »

Two Important Words

The 1st Word On “that” beautiful mid-July afternoon, I was finishing my salad at lunchtime, looking over emails, and waiting to see my next patient when the phone rang. In my typically rather positive phone voice I answer, “Good afternoon, Dr. Berry speaking”. My urologist, Alan Kowitz, was on the other end of......... more »