
“Try a Soft Hackle”

For the last three years my wife (Jane), our golden retriever (Poppy), and I (Tim) have spent the month of September camping and fly-fishing primarily in Montana. While doing so we have also taken a few sorties into either Wyoming or Idaho. This year we have taken our current reach down into Henry’s Fork (of “Try a Soft Hackle”

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Crossings:  Negotiating Change

Transition: Leaving the Known for the Unknown To live is to come to what the Irish call the ‘thin places:’  the places between this world and the next, between what has been and what will be.  At such times, whether it is the first day of school, the start of a new relationship, the end of Crossings:  Negotiating Change

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Write Scenes From a Long Remembered Time

Take a look at these two scenes from Beverly Donofrio’s Riding in Cars with Boys: It was a Thursday night. I was doing the dishes, my father was sitting at the table doing a paint-by-num­bers, and we were humming “Theme from Exo­dus” together. My mother was wiping the stove before she left for work at Bradlees, Write Scenes From a Long Remembered Time

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Visiting the ill–101

It is 4:53 p.m. and you are in the bathroom with your head in the toilet. After eating that wonderful lunch at the Japanese restaurant you think you may have food poisoning. This is the third time you have wrenched your guts out in the past fifteen minutes. Life is horrible right now. At this Visiting the ill–101

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Ask Dr. Tim: My Sister Was Diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder

Q My 52-year-old sister supposedly was diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder about ten years ago. I guess it is now called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). As her brother I am 12 years her junior. Sure I have seen bizarre behavior from Jess before but I just don’t get it? It is suppose to come from Ask Dr. Tim: My Sister Was Diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder

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Brain Tip #2: Socialize More, Improve Cognitive Performance

We humans are living longer. That’s the good news. The bad? After we turn 65, dementia rates double every five years in developed countries. And in developing ones, dementia rates double every seven years. (1)  The conclusion seems unavoidable. The longer we live, the more likely we are to suffer dementia. All the more reason Brain Tip #2: Socialize More, Improve Cognitive Performance

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Why Robert Plant is The Boss: (and 5 Ways That You Can Be, Too!)

I saw Robert Plant in concert a few days ago.  I love live music, especially outdoor concerts and  this one was really special because he was vibrant and because the crowd was so awesome. How can a “rock” crowd be awesome if their average age was in the mid-60’s?  Most people had gray hair (and Why Robert Plant is The Boss: (and 5 Ways That You Can Be, Too!)

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On Baseball

I am by no means an avid baseball fan. As a kid I tried out for Little League. I really can’t remember why I tried out; it just seemed to be the thing to do in sixth grade. At the tryouts, I had no idea what position I wanted to try out for so they On Baseball

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Brain Tip #1:  Use your Body, Benefit your Mind

Want to improve your chances of avoiding mild cognitive decline as you age? Or even of getting Alzheimer’s?  Researchers have identified several things we can do. Among them, is this strong recommendation: Get off your couch. And get active.           This is not new advice. Those of us 55 and older have heard this for many years. Brain Tip #1:  Use your Body, Benefit your Mind

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Consistency…Oh What a Drag

I continue to be shocked about how easy it is to “deteriorate” in SO many ways when I am inconsistent, especially now that I am older.  Oh let me count the ways… Eating one double scoop ice cream cone and gain 5 pounds   Go to the opera in the big city, and return home at Consistency…Oh What a Drag

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