Stress Management

911 Mindfulness

On this 15th anniversary of 9/11, my mind has been wandering back to where I was when I first heard about the attacks. I remember that I was driving to work in San Rafael California. I remember the shock and the cloud of disbelief that followed me around that day. I’m sure many of you 911 Mindfulness

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The Orlando Shootings and Our Heartaches

This morning we all were hit by the terrible news of the Orlando shootings. It can be hard to know how to handle the slew of emotions that arise in response to such a tragedy. It’s normal to feel angry and sad when we see such a high level of hate in our world. In The Orlando Shootings and Our Heartaches

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The Relaxation Response and Anti-Aging

Our societal obsession with staying young has sent a strong message that aging is not okay. As a result, many individuals find themselves in a constant search for the product or method that will slow the inevitable aging process. All of this is not necessary, for our bodies have a built-in system for counteracting stress The Relaxation Response and Anti-Aging

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