
Ask Dr. Tim: Three years ago my wife of fifteen years died in an auto accident.

Q Three years ago my wife of fifteen years died in an auto accident. I have been having a most difficult time getting on with my life. Though others have tried to convince me otherwise, I feel guilty for her death. You see, she decided to take a trip to visit her parents who live Ask Dr. Tim: Three years ago my wife of fifteen years died in an auto accident.

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Simply Perfect

I recently went to our local food co-op in search of some apples. Not only did I find myself confronted with about ten large baskets of different varieties, but also within each basket were various shades and sizes of that same variety. With so many choices what is a guy to do? Without much conscious Simply Perfect

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The Physicality of Writing Scenes and Characters

Outer story, the physical world, is also its own effect, its own reaction, its own comment. Outer story shows us things, and as the outer story grows and gathers, we can begin to see the constellations of our meanings. There is no need to comment on each facet of a scene. The sunset went from The Physicality of Writing Scenes and Characters

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Ask Dr. Tim: …she also convinced me that I too was ill…when I was not.

Q I recently attended a memorial service for my mother. This is the same person who spent my early years convincing me that I was the reason for all her physical ills. The real trick was when she also convinced me that I too was ill…when I was not. I don’t know if she had Ask Dr. Tim: …she also convinced me that I too was ill…when I was not.

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Extend Your Life by Enjoying Your Life

An important four-year longitudinal study done by a group of scientists from England, and reported in the esteemed BMJ, found that subjective (perceived) wellbeing and enjoyment has the positive effect of extending our life on an average of 7.3 years. Mortality was inversely associated with the number of occasions on which participants reported high enjoyment Extend Your Life by Enjoying Your Life

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WELLNESS TIPS: A Personal Year End Inventory

Many people focus on New Years’ Resolutions and end up feeling disappointed in themselves and depressed by St. Patrick’s Day (or sooner) because they have fallen short of the lofty goals they set for themselves. Instead of (or before) focusing on New Years’ Resolutions, I think it is helpful to take a look back on WELLNESS TIPS: A Personal Year End Inventory

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Ask Dr. Tim: …my wife is messing with my mind.

Q I am convinced my wife is messing with my mind. For example, if I ask her to do something and she agrees, she will often not follow through. When I question her, she says I never asked her. That is just one of many such examples of her behavior. Sometimes I feel like I Ask Dr. Tim: …my wife is messing with my mind.

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WELLNESS TIPS: Avoiding Temptation Over the Holidays

Between holiday parties, family feasts, and gift baskets, it is really difficult to avoid temptation over the holidays. It seems like chocolate and cookies and treats are everywhere. There is a tendency to think that a little treat here and there won’t hurt and that you can just shed whatever weight you gain in January. WELLNESS TIPS: Avoiding Temptation Over the Holidays

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The Holidays Are In Full Swing…Wine Choices

The Holidays are in full swing, which means nights filled with eating, drinking and celebrating. The question is, what to drink? For many, regarding wine, this decision is simple. Just buy the cheapest recognizable label. However, for wine lovers or even just “wine likers” this decision can be a bit more confusing. With so many The Holidays Are In Full Swing…Wine Choices

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Reflections in the Quiet

This month began with my 55th birthday. I anticipated this milestone with some anxiety, because it was at Christmas, 1970, that my grandfather died of a heart attack while on a business trip to Galesburg, Illinois. I was 9. That Christmas morning, I opened his final present to me, a beagle puppy that we named Reflections in the Quiet

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