

February 8, 2017 It is 9:38 pm. Moments before sitting in my chair I was laying on the floor nose to nose with our 2-year-old golden retriever, Poppy. I have just completed 40 pushups and planked to the count of 80. I feel weaker than I did before my kidney surgery last October, but at 69…70…100

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When “Truth” gets in the way: “Good” vs. “Bad” Communication

In past articles, Terry and I have talked about the importance of not keeping secrets, which can build walls between us. This would imply that telling the truth serves connection and closeness in relationships. Unfortunately, as with most things, this “ain’t necessarily so.” Sometimes the “truth” can drive us apart, and not just when we When “Truth” gets in the way: “Good” vs. “Bad” Communication

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Ask Dr. Tim: I am an unsuccessful perfectionist.

Q I have come to realize that I am an unsuccessful perfectionist. I am guessing it started when I was a young girl. My room was always clean and organized, especially in comparison to my younger sister’s room. I have tried to maintain a perfect house with well-accomplished children. Now in my mid-50’s I am Ask Dr. Tim: I am an unsuccessful perfectionist.

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Core Part II

Low back pain is an epidemic in our modern day society. In 1 year, 36% of our population will suffer an episode of back pain.   Low back pain is the most common reason for general activity limitations and work absences in most of the world. The economic effects of low back pain are immense. And Core Part II

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To Life!

In “Fiddler on the Roof,” Tevye and Lazar Wolf joyously celebrate their agreement on Lazar’s engagement to Tzeitel by toasting, “L’Chaim”—“To Life!” Their duet goes on to playfully contrast the joys and sorrows of life, with the repeated exclamation that despite the times of confusion, sadness, or bitterness, each moment of happiness should be grasped, To Life!

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Ask Dr. Tim: I manage a team of pretty tough construction workers

Q Last week was a hard week at work. I manage a team of pretty tough construction workers. I have found that the best way to manage them is to invite them into my life, talk about their home life, and work as a team. Of course, I want them to like me. The problem Ask Dr. Tim: I manage a team of pretty tough construction workers

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Having just completed my 70th year on this planet, I find myself in a reflective mood. What has mattered the most all these years? Can I offer anything useful to an 18-year-old about what lies ahead? Not that I’ve been asked, of course. But then, I don’t recall asking 70+ year-olds to answer that question Seventy!

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What is Your “Word for the Year?”

Several years ago, I started picking a word or phrase as a “theme” for the year to motivate my team to focus on what was most important and work toward a mutual goal. One year, the phrase involved “discipline and decisiveness” to help people stay on task and make decisions. Another year, the word was What is Your “Word for the Year?”

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Ask Dr. Tim: I moved in with my 88-year-old mother…she needed help.

Q As a 60-year-old woman I moved in with my now 88-year-old mother several years ago. Aging, she needed help. Since I was newly out of a divorce and a job, I decided to give it a try. My own children live in another State so I would be focused on mom. Of course there Ask Dr. Tim: I moved in with my 88-year-old mother…she needed help.

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WELLNESS TIPS: What To Do in the Off Season to Maintain Focus?

I admit it, I struggle to maintain my focus in the off season. I love racing and participating in events during the summer, but more than once last summer, it occurred to me that I could run faster or cycle longer if only I had worked harder in January or February.         WELLNESS TIPS: What To Do in the Off Season to Maintain Focus?

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