
Better Mental Health With Aging

Like good wine and cheese, one’s mental health improves with age, new research suggests. The following information was reported in Medscape Medical News. What the researchers found may surprise you. In a study of more than 1000 adults, people in their senior years were found to be happier and more content with their lives than Better Mental Health With Aging

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All Is Not Fair In Love

I agree heartily with Terry’s idea that couples do better when there is a sense of fairness about who does what, gets what or controls what is happening. Equity fosters equanimity and limits the buildup of resentment. That said, we have to careful about what we consider “fair and equal,” or what we think will All Is Not Fair In Love

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Ask Dr. Tim: My 50-year-old son is a mess…

Q My 50-year-old son is a mess. He has been into drugs, alcohol, prison, and rehab three times. A few months ago he left his wife and went to the streets again. He keeps calling us for money…of course for drugs. When we decline, in order to press his point he constantly yells and swears Ask Dr. Tim: My 50-year-old son is a mess…

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It’s SAD Time, Are You Ready?

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a phenomenon that many people, especially in the Northland are all too familiar with. While I, as a clinical psychologist, see many “seniors” who experience SAD the fact is that the characteristic onset is 18-30 years. Women typically experience SAD more than men. Latitude appears to be a big predictor It’s SAD Time, Are You Ready?

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Breathe In…Breathe Out…

Might this be a good time to remind you to be mindful of your level of stress and how it might be affecting your health? A little stress, like a little inflammation, is a good thing, giving us the energy to do what needs to be done. But too much, for too long, definitely takes Breathe In…Breathe Out…

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Ask Dr. Tim: ..she has turned into a “she-devil”.

Q I am a grandmother of two older elementary school age children. One of them seems to be coming out of control. My daughter and family only live a few blocks away and hence there is easy access between our two families. The oldest granddaughter has now entered puberty. The once charming little girl who Ask Dr. Tim: ..she has turned into a “she-devil”.

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Good News For the Very Old Agers

As reported in the December 2014 journal Psychology and Aging, over 500 non-demented seniors participated in the so-called Berlin Aging Study. The subjects were 70-100 years old and were measured for memory performance 4 times over the course of 6 years. The researchers were measuring the complaints of the seniors about their memory verses their Good News For the Very Old Agers

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Oh To Be Young Again!

You’ve thought of it too, I know you have. “Man, wouldn’t it be great to know what I know now – and have the body of a 20-something!” More often than I care to admit, I have found myself introspectively thinking of myself as a 30 something, only to look in the bathroom mirror of Oh To Be Young Again!

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Ask Dr. Tim: I am currently going through a divorce…

Q: I am currently going through a divorce that has gotten nasty. I am convinced my husband is simply trying to destroy my social and financial life. I am beginning to hate the man I once loved. I am conflicted about my feelings. Boy do I ever want to strike back hard! Strike Back   Ask Dr. Tim: I am currently going through a divorce…

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Thanksgiving: Gratitude Conflict

Without a doubt Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year. It has been since childhood. First, I love the Hallmark card family aspect. Next, I love the rugged gift of hard work that the cooks put into culinary their efforts. Finally, I do love the array of wonderful food. However, I have Thanksgiving: Gratitude Conflict

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