
Ask Dr. Tim: I am 53-years-old and have been married four times…

Q I am 53-years-old and have been married four times. My sister calls me crazy but I think I would like to finally find a good wife. I have checked out the main bars in town but the “crop” of women doesn’t look to good for this season. Any ideas? Billy A Dear Billy, I Ask Dr. Tim: I am 53-years-old and have been married four times…

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An Oscillating Fan is Better Than a Roller Coaster

I am a plaintiff’s personal injury lawyer. I sue insurance companies, corporations, individuals, and the government when their reckless, careless, or even intentional, actions harm people. Accusing people of wrongdoing creates tension and discomfort. People (and organizations) don’t like to be held accountable for their conduct and, worse yet, don’t like it when people demand An Oscillating Fan is Better Than a Roller Coaster

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How Do I Activate My Inner Core?

In my daily practice as a Physical Therapist, I spend considerable time teaching patients “inner core exercises”. In this article, I hope to share this concept with you. If you haven’t read my two prior core articles, it may be helpful to review them before reading this entry. They cover key concepts including the components How Do I Activate My Inner Core?

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640 on your AM dial

“From the front page of USA TODAY, Wednesday, May 3, 2017 – “World War III:  Americans are thinking about the unthinkable.” So it’s not only me!  All this macho missile rattling. It’s not that I think that the US and the People’s Republic of North Korea are really going to throw down plutonium, but, the 640 on your AM dial

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Life in the Middle

An accordion. That’s what my life feels like right now, with pressure from two sides. I reflected on this in my first “Fine Winer” article, that I’m feeling the “middle” in “middle age.” My wife, Joy, and I are dealing with the growing pains of our young adult kids, and with aging parents. We worry Life in the Middle

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Too much time on Facebook?

A new report published recently in the Washington Post analyzed the sexual habits of 26,000 people. It turns out that this group had sex 53 times in 2014, down from 62 times a quarter a century ago. The drop off was most pronounced among married people, who now have sex 55 times a year, down Too much time on Facebook?

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On Becoming A Quitter…Or Not: Part 2

Perhaps the reason I was never given the opportunity to get on the football field in high school was because I had no talent. I don’t know how any coach would know that, since I was never allowed to try, but it was certainly one explanation. However, I had suspicions that it may have been On Becoming A Quitter…Or Not: Part 2

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Men and Emotions

Men are often lampooned for their reluctance to express the full range of emotions. “Why can’t he just tell me what he’s feeling?”   Or, “I wish he wouldn’t clam up when I ask him about something emotional!” Though it may not seem like it sometimes, men are born with limbic systems – the parts of Men and Emotions

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Ask Dr. Tim: The other day my son accused me of having OCD…

Q The other day my son accused me of having OCD.  While I have heard the term, I don’t really know what he is talking about. I don’t wash my hands more than I need to. Beside I have no idea what to do about it anyway. Hank A Dear Hank: As Dr. Travis Osborne Ask Dr. Tim: The other day my son accused me of having OCD…

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MY FRIDAY MARTINI: A Play In 3 Acts-Act Three

Act Three – Ingestion, and Postlogue Raise the glass. Inhale. What you smell is cold, with a light scent of lemon, and maybe, maybe, a little sharpness from the alcohol. Your mind, in a conditioned response, sets off on its journey even before the chemistry catches up with it. My soul is past the point MY FRIDAY MARTINI: A Play In 3 Acts-Act Three

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